Beauty of Nature

Pavan Purohit
4 min readAug 16, 2022


Things have changed a lot after a pandemic. The stat says that 50 percent of the people now appreciate nature more than before the pandemic. . .

People started spending time trekking, hiking and visiting greenery places, seashores, mountains, trees, silent canyons, and babbling creeks, just to find peace of mind. And Interestingly people felt it better than movies, malls, pubs, bars and etc.

So let's try to understand why it feels good to be in nature.

  1. Nature tells you everything you see is beautiful

When you are in nature you don’t worry about your looks, you don't watch yourself in the mirror instead you are either focused on settings the things around you or climbing, setting the tent for you, gardening so literally you spend a lot of time in enjoying the things around you rather than how u look for others what others think about you.

And on the other hand, nature displays incredible diversity in all her glory. There are fat trees skinny ones short tall ones full of thorns and with a bunch of flowers with sweet fruits and sour ones and the Big animals and the short ones and animals which can live on land but not on the water and some on water not on land and few which can live anywhere beautiful insects with very short lifetime and some which can live for ages. But we don't say “how wrong”, it's ugly or how fat, instead we say “How Beautiful”. The way we look at things differs you start enjoying every moment and the way you look at things around changes

Surrender your comfort zone

our society propagates the harmful myth that we should strive hard to be comfortable as possible. No myth has made us unhappier as a people. we can’t simply be pleasured or comfortable all the time we can't control everything. Trying to achieve permanent comfort and control leads to dull meaningless life that kills the Soul.

Nature calls you back to reality. You can’t stop it from raining, You can’t delay the setting sun. You can’t set the temperature to a comfortable 70 degrees. If you’re climbing a mountain, your muscles are going to burn. But with this surrender comes such relief! You awake from a dream and realize how little control you really have. You remember that hardship and lack of control are part of life, and accepting this reality makes it not only bearable but possible to feel the joy of being alive.

Importance of Life and accepting the death

Everyone we love is going to die one or another day In nature, you encounter dead trees all the time. And, behold! they’re nursing young plants to life. You walk through a burn area and see a profusion of wildflowers thriving in the newly enriched soil. You might even see animal skulls and bones. When we come face to face with death, we value our own life more, the present moment more, and experience surges of joy to be alive. So we start seeing such common things every other moment and try to relate them with our reality so it becomes easy to take such things and move on.

You experience the divine

Whether you call it God, “Bhoomi Taie”, the Great Mystery, or by another name, nature helps you to connect with this powerful, loving presence. You might feel this presence loving and supporting you. You might receive guidance and wisdom. Nature brings you closer to our own spirit. There are around 1000s of different plants, lakhs of different creatures, and different kinds of lands, mountains rivers seas... And still, nature doesn't expect anything from us and will be always in peace. You feel that you belong to this Earth. That you are part of the community of nature. You are made of the same substance, and you are no better and no worse than that bird, that tree, that other human walking up the trail.

This is why nature heals, and helps us to live lives of meaning and joy.

