How AI LLMs Can Be Used in Conversational AI

Pavan Purohit
7 min readMay 14, 2024


Usage in Conversational AI: Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT (from OpenAI), BERT (from Google), or similar models developed by other companies, offer significant advancements over traditional chatbot technologies. These models understand and generate human-like text by predicting subsequent words in a sentence based on the words that preceded them. This ability allows LLMs to maintain more coherent and contextually relevant conversations than older rule-based systems.

Replacing Old Chatbots: Traditional chatbots often rely on predefined scripts and simple decision-tree logic. They struggle with unexpected queries and can only handle a narrow set of interactions effectively. In contrast, LLMs can generate responses based on a vast range of inputs, providing more flexibility and a better user experience. For example, an old chatbot might fail to provide a satisfactory answer if a user’s question doesn’t exactly match one of its programmed prompts. An LLM, however, can understand the intent behind the question and generate a relevant response even if the exact phrasing hasn’t been encountered before.

Image illustrating old vs new chatbots (image by DALL-E)

Potential Fields of Use

1. Retail and E-commerce: Conversational AI can greatly enhance the shopping experience by providing personalized recommendations and support directly through chat interfaces. For example, a virtual shopping assistant can guide customers through product selections based on their preferences and previous purchases, help them compare features, and even process transactions directly within the chat.

2. Financial Services: Banks and financial institutions can deploy conversational AI to assist customers with account management, transaction inquiries, and financial advice. An AI-powered chatbot can help users check their account balances, initiate wire transfers, and provide investment advice based on the user’s financial history and market conditions.

3. Hospitality and Travel: In the hospitality industry, conversational AI can be used for booking reservations, checking in and out, and providing guests with information about hotel amenities and local attractions. In travel, AI can assist with itinerary planning, provide real-time flight updates, and answer common travel-related questions.

4. Human Resources: HR departments can use conversational AI to automate routine inquiries about policies, employee benefits, and job vacancies. It can also assist in the onboarding process by guiding new employees through documentation, training schedules, and integration into their new roles.

5. Telecommunications: Telecom companies can employ conversational AI to handle customer service inquiries such as billing issues, service disruptions, and plan upgrades. This can help reduce call center volumes and provide customers with instant support.

6. Public Sector: Government agencies can implement conversational AI to improve citizen engagement and service delivery. AI chatbots can provide information on public services, assist with the submission of forms and applications, and even help in crisis response by disseminating critical information during emergencies.

7. Automotive Industry: Automakers and dealerships can use conversational AI to engage potential buyers, providing detailed information about vehicle features, availability, and pricing. Post-purchase, AI can assist with service appointment scheduling and vehicle maintenance tips.

8. Real Estate: In real estate, conversational AI can help potential buyers or renters find properties that match their criteria, answer questions about property details, and schedule viewings. For property management, AI can handle tenant inquiries and maintenance requests efficiently.

Limitations and Concerns:

1. Generating Misinformation:

Image showing misinformation created by LLMS(generated by DALL-E)

LLMs can “hallucinate” information, meaning they generate responses that seem plausible but are not based on facts. This issue stems from the model’s training process, which involves learning from a vast corpus of text data. The model identifies patterns and relationships in the data but does not verify the truthfulness or current relevance of the information it uses to generate responses.


In healthcare, a patient might use a conversational AI to inquire about symptoms and treatment for a specific condition, such as diabetes. The LLM could generate advice based on outdated studies or misconceptions that were prevalent in the training data. For instance, it might recommend a medication that has been superseded by more effective treatments or has known side effects that make it unsuitable for broad recommendation.

This could lead to the patient following harmful advice, potentially worsening their condition or interfering with proper treatment protocols established by their healthcare provider.

Solutions to Overcome Misinformation

1. Human-in-the-loop (HITL): Incorporate a system where AI-generated responses, especially in critical areas like healthcare and legal advice, are reviewed by experts before being provided to the end user. This human oversight ensures that any erroneous or outdated information is caught and corrected.

2. Continuous Model Updates and Training: Regularly update the model’s training data with the latest research and verified information to ensure its responses reflect current knowledge and practices. This is particularly crucial in rapidly evolving fields.

3. Fact-checking Layers: Integrate automated fact-checking algorithms that can verify the AI’s responses against trusted data sources before they are relayed to the user. This can act as a preliminary filter for accuracy.

4. Source Citation: Enable the AI to provide sources for its responses, allowing users to verify the information independently. This transparency helps build trust and allows users to critically assess the reliability of the information.

5. Limit AI’s Scope of Advice: Clearly define and limit the scope of advice the AI is programmed to offer. For high-risk topics, the AI should be programmed to recommend seeking advice from a professional rather than providing direct guidance.

6. User Education: Educate users about the capabilities and limitations of AI in providing advice. Encourage critical evaluation of AI-generated information and stress the importance of consulting professionals for serious or ambiguous issues.

2. Lack of Emotional Intelligence:

Image showing inability to understand emotions(image generated by DALL-E)

Large Language Models (LLMs) operate on the basis of statistical patterns and data-driven learning from large text corpora. They don’t possess emotional intelligence and cannot genuinely comprehend or empathize with human emotions. Their responses are generated based on textual cues and patterns, not on a deep understanding of emotional states or the subtleties of human psychology. This limitation becomes particularly evident in scenarios requiring high empathy and personal touch.


Consider a scenario where an individual is using a mental health support chatbot powered by an LLM to discuss feelings of anxiety and depression. The user might express feelings of hopelessness or distress. While the LLM can recognize keywords and phrases related to mental health and respond with pre-formulated advice or encouragement, it may fail to grasp the depth of the user’s emotional state or the complexity of their situation. For instance, if the user says, “I feel like it’s getting too hard to even wake up in the morning,” the LLM might respond with a generic “Try to stay positive and look for things you enjoy,” which can feel dismissive or irrelevant to the user’s expressed feelings.

Solutions to Overcome Lack of Emotional Intelligence

1. Enhanced Training with Emotional Data: While LLMs cannot feel emotions, they can be better trained to recognize and respond to emotional cues more effectively. This can be achieved by including emotional intelligence training datasets focusing on empathetic communication and training the model to recognize and respond appropriately to different emotional tones and contexts.

2 Integration of Specialized Emotional Recognition Tools: Combine LLMs with AI tools specifically designed to detect and analyze emotional content in text or speech. These tools can assess the emotional tone of user inputs and adjust the AI’s responses accordingly to be more aligned with the user’s emotional state.

3. Setting Clear Limitations and Expectations: Clearly communicate to users the limitations of the AI in understanding and responding to emotional nuances. This transparency helps manage user expectations and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or dissatisfaction with AI interactions.

4. Emotional Templates and Guidelines: Develop and implement a set of guidelines or templates for responding to emotionally charged situations. These should be crafted by experts in psychology to ensure that responses are sensitive and appropriate.

3. Privacy and Data Security:

Using LLMs in sectors with strict privacy regulations (like healthcare and finance) can be challenging because these models often need large amounts of data to train and operate, raising concerns about data security and user privacy.


LLMs offer a superior alternative to traditional chatbots in many contexts due to their flexibility, scalability, and ability to handle a vast array of dialogue scenarios without pre-defined scripts. However, their limitations mean they are not suitable for all applications, particularly where high accuracy, emotional understanding, or strict privacy is required. For instance, while an LLM might excel at providing customer support for an online retailer, it would not be appropriate to offer personalized therapy sessions or legal advice where misinterpretations or errors could have serious repercussions.

